250 ml
Vera’s blessed with 11 different moisturisers including macadamia nut oil, coconut oil, vitamin E. and aloe-vera, is pH balanced and laced with natural mica particles for a light-diffusing pearlescent look – we can’t get enough of it and neither it seems can our suitors!
Who is she?
The first thing you notice when you meet Vera is that she has the most shapely legs this side of christendom. It hardly seems right for one person to be blessed with this quality - still if life was fair Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead. Having changed her name from a somewhat dreary title reminiscent of matronly endeavours (though this was where the resemblance ended) she spends an inordinate amount of time dreaming. A die-hard fan of Mills and Boon she harbours a secret desire to be a classical musician - but meantime keeps her day job (though she has invested in a crimson custom-made drum kit).